Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Journal Of Psychology And Christianity - 868 Words

Journal of Psychology and Christianity, â€Å"Use of Prayer and Scripture in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy† by Siang-Yang Tan discusses how prayer and scripture can be incorporated into the practice of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Expanded CBT described a historical process of behavior therapy that was divided into three generational movements and consisted of a gradual transition from traditional behavior therapy known as; Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and (DBT) Dialectical Behavior Therapy (Tan, 2007, p. 101). Tan (2007) share definitions, in addition to explanations of implicit and explicit therapy integration techniques used in the therapist’s specific practices. He insists that†¦show more content†¦This is to ensure the counselor does not force personal belief systems onto a client or deter a client, who may refer to the Bible and theoretically work towards a more explicit method of prayerful and scripture reading and understanding. Although, the method of combining prayer and scripture with CBT can be an effective approach, the author makes known there are some clients who will not receive it, even though several empirical studies have shown benefits. Tan’s goal is to provide inner healing for all clients that reach out for help. Reflection After reading the article, it became understandable that the approach to therapy is quite involved and detail oriented. The integration of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) with prayer and scripture has the ability to deliver lasting clients with lasting, maintenance-free resolutions. Since, God has created man it would make logical sense for those who are Believers in Christ to refer back to the creator when they feel they are shattered or need repairing. God’s word in the true and the scriptures throughout the Bible, supports and provides healing to the soul. I feel that he steps that Tan takes to set the tone before jumping right into something that may be unwanted is a good to determine, which method may work for whom. Not everyone will be counseled the same. Counseling is not structured. It s case by case, and Tan ensure that he is handling each

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