Monday, May 18, 2020

42-Sociological Analysis - 848 Words

Sport Movie Review 42, The True Story of an American Legend I recently saw the film, 42, and I found many connections with our Sociology of Sport class. First and foremost, the movie was about the baseball legend, Jackie Robinson. Jack broke the baseball color barrier and was the first African American player allowed in Major League Baseball. He played for the Brooklyn Dodgers beginning in 1947. Jack was a strong, talented player, but he also had a mind of his own. He played with an attitude that would be taunting to other players. When he made it to the Montreal Royals in 1946, he had to quickly get rid of this taunting, smart attitude. He was the only black player in a time of hatred and prejudice in the United States. Although he†¦show more content†¦This would not be accepted in today’s society. If someone spoke to someone the way those people spoke to Jackie, they could be arrested. I thought the movie was fantastic! The characters were perfect and so well played. It really showed all the great aspects of Jackie Robinson and his family. It also portrayed all of the hardships he had to go through and live with everyday. The message the movie was sending is that racial barriers have been broken, and many other barriers can be broken as well as long as you persevere. I learned all about Jackie Robinson, his family and how he became involved in Major League Baseball. I would most definitely recommend using the movie in class to support a content area. We could probably spend an entire week on the movie and race ideologies. This movie was a perfect example of the ideology, and it teaches you about it too. Overall it was a great film, and I am so glad it came out in time for thisShow MoreRelatedA Study Of Human Social Relationships And Organisations Essay1691 Words   |  7 Pagesenter the workforce. As regards to my CA brief I will be discussing what sociologh is. 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